Thursday 5 May 2016

Thursday Frenzy #2: Page Turner

It's the second installment of Thursday Frenzy! Are you excited?


page-turner is a person employed to turn sheet music pages for a soloist, often a pianist, usually during a performance.
While some music is arranged so that the pages end at places where the musician can spare one hand to turn them, this is not always possible. A page-turner is often necessary for musicians who are playing complex pieces and prefer not to play from memory. A page-turner needs to be able to understand the musician's signals and follow the music to know when to turn the page, and to do so quickly and unobtrusively. Page-turners are sometimes acquaintances of the performer or members of the accompanying orchestra doing a favour. Professional page-turners are often freelance casual workers, not associated with any given concert hall or orchestra. - Wikipedia
Well, a page turner needs to be silent, as if not there, like a shadow. The page turner has to be silent while flipping the pages, as it might possibly disturb the pianist - just like a shadow helping the friend.

That is the concept of this 3 episode korean drama. Three friends will become 'page turners' to each other. This is a pretty interesting concept for a drama. I'm writing this while watching the second episode (which means I have yet to get till the end), although it does not seem like these three protagonists would eventually fall into a romantic relationship. They do seem to end up simply in platonic love.

Simply only in the second episode, the three protagonists (Kim So Hyun, Ji Soo, Shin Jae Ha) displayed great acting skills. Their expressions and reactions are close to reality and not too exaggerated nor understated. The script, likewise, is pretty good as well.

If you are interested in music and slight comedy, this drama would be good for you. It would be especially so if you are looking for something to pass time for three hours.

Here's the trailer:

Do comment if you enjoyed the drama.

Thanks for reading!


Update (1 hour after drafting this post): Just finished watching this drama. I feel deeply for this drama. Sometimes, it is not about whether you can do it or no, but rather, whether you like it or not. If I can do something I love, even if it is earning meagre amounts of cash, it will be perfectly worth it. Living a life does not necessarily mean I have to earn lots of money. It also means I have to be happy when I go to sleep.  The music was astonishing and I felt as if I fell in love with piano once again. Although I have tried to play the piano once in an early age, I have given it up quite quickly despite falling in love with the sleek white and black keys. However, my parents made me lose interest in it, claiming that "it will make me lose focus on my studies". I have forgotten what it was like to be pressured by my parents. It has since been long when they have ever given my grades a second glance. I loved how the drama ends; The ending was not abrupt and ended on a good note. Nonetheless, it would not have made it to a drama with more episodes. Three episodes would have been the right amount. The silent support that the male protagnists had given to the female was applaudable. There was no romantic love; it was simply platonic. It was as if I was looking at the Golden Trio: Ron Weasley (before his feelings came into play), Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. The scenarios and words in the drama has resonated in me, accompanied with the ending piece- it was perfect. I have yet to feel so strongly for any drama and yet, this is the first drama that has given tears in my eyes (sorry folks, it didn't roll down my cheeks, though). It is painful to disappoint others, but it is even more painful to disappoint yourself. 

Cheers (for real now). Don't drown yourself in tears.

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