Thursday 28 April 2016

Thursday Frenzy #1: Why Blog?

I've decided to start up something called the Thursday Frenzy! Thursday Frenzy includes tips and tricks, advices or even recommendations. I have been bored these few days and have been thinking of what to do. Blogging allows me to pen down my thoughts quickly, rather than using a pen and paper, which is a much more traditional way.

Today's Thursday Frenzy will be something rather mild. As could be seen from the title, 'Why blog?'

I started blogging long time ago. I was probably 12-13 years old. Actually, I think it was much earlier. It started as stupid rants and somewhere in between 2012-2013, I started to post stories online. Click here It was pretty cathartic for me to be writing my own feelings and penning down my thoughts. 

There are people who started blogging because they wanted to get famous. Perhaps, this is one of the ways to get famous. Regardless, blogging should be similar to writing a personal diary. Till this day, I don't think I know of anyone who still writes a diary. 

I do know a lot of people who blogs. The famous ones: XiaXue, BongQiuQiu... And these are only the Singporean bloggers. There are tons of bloggers out there. Some of which are really good and some are simply penning down rubbish.

Now, back to the main title.

Blogging gives you a few good things.

1. Discipline
Even for me now, it is rather difficult to sit down and type a chapter/post for more than 1 hour without planning. Even if my brain juices are spinning and churning me crazy, I need to convince myself to sit in front of the damned computer for more than 45 minutes.

2. Self-reflection
Most people fall asleep without thinking of what happened to them in that day. All they think about is what is to happen after that day. Thinking about the future is great but everyone needs to think about what happened in the past as well. Blogging allows us to self-reflect and think about what has happened. If it was a great thing that has happened, you get to celebrate. If it was bad, you get to prevent it. 

3. Personal Voice
How often have you heard other's voices? How often have you heard your own voice? Blogging gives even the most silent person their own voice, in which they can be heard (or 'seen', if you get what I mean). 

And there you have it! Blog! Blog for whatever you know is worth. Who cares if no one is reading your blog now? I only had 3 views for my previous post and who really cares? No one.

For when you blog, you blog for no one but yourself.

(All images are drawn by me. You may use the images as you wish)

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