Tuesday 12 April 2016

Amongst Mundane Things

I encountered something yesterday that was disturbing while walking home after SJ meeting. I think it is still disturbing now.

Which brings me to this question:
Why do flashers flash? (No, i did not get flashed)

Flashers, who can be men and women but are most often men in their adolescence and early adulthood, may have a sexual disorder called exhibitionism or paraphilia, characterised by having repeated urges to expose themselves to a stranger, Dr O'Donnell said.
"Exhibitionism is defined by a pattern of sexual arousal which may be expressed in exhibitionistic behaviour," Dr O'Donnell, from Hobart's ForensiClinic, said.
"Exhibitionistic behaviour by definition is non-contact, and there is usually no intention of further sexual behaviour towards the stranger."
There are many theories about what causes the urges, but generally people who flash do so because they find it arousing, Dr O'Donnell said.
"Some people have a conscious desire to upset or shock the stranger, while others may fantasise that the stranger will become sexually aroused by their display.
"Others are not aware of, or concerned about, the stranger's response at all."

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/flashing-why-do-they-do-it-20120904-25bth.html#ixzz45cjZih00
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Well, don't know, the idea of it sounds weird to me, still. I wouldn't want to like show others myself, even if I know that they probably have seen before or have it themselves.

Same same but different, you know? (hah.)

Speaking about "same", don't you think all occupations are the same, in a way?

You get paid after you help them with some form of work, regardless of the amount of effort you put in. You may suffer, or get rewards.

I'm not to sure about you, or other people but I really do hate wasting time while working. I do not like it when I have nothing to do, or is inefficient, or is useless during work.

That's why I really detest the intern job. I have NOTHING to do.

Now, even at my 2nd job (this year), I am treated like "extra hands" that have nothing to do. I was called to work but in the end, I spent 1 hour doing something really stupid that I have never dreamed of doing. Drawing 7circles x 40 times was still alright. When I hate to clean those tiny little pieces of ..., it really got me wondering why I was called there today. I spent 1.5hours travelling, and that's only to go there. Who knew Bukit Timah Plaza was beside Ngee Ann Poly? Thanks, really. THAT'S REALLLLLY FAR. I closed eyes when it was Bukit Batok but this is...


I should continue. I really enjoy working there. However, I really cannot be treated like I'm useless, really. I will really want to punch people.

On a side side note, I'm going work at a themed cafe! Although the pay sucks, it's the work that counts, not the money! (Actually, money counts as well, but I'll really close two eyes for now)

...Till next time!

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