Wednesday 29 June 2016

ShunShunLiLi and S3

Shun Li 你们怕不怕!

And so, Arts Camp [LEGENDS] marks the last camp I'll be having...
In June. (toh)

These past few weeks in June was really crazy. First I had Sheares Exposure Camp which was absolutely awesome. The first friends in uni and they always say that the first friends are the gems.

Anyway, fun fact, I forgot to bring my any social night attire so what you see up there is my cousin's. LEL.

Arts Camp was good as well. Honestly, I was not expecting much from the camp. I was not even intending to go. Come on, I didn't sign up and only got in because of LT. (Crasher!) Where am I now? I'm going as AOGL for O-Week!

I've made some really good friends and I don't exactly regret (regrats, pft) going to NUS now. There was this short period in June where I had hoped I had gone to ADM with Hwee because of the numerous camps and the competitive hall spots and everything. Of course, like what Aloy the Metal had said, it would simply be a fallacy if I were to say I would not have made such good friends if I went to NTU. In any case, I'm really glad that I have accepted to go to SEC instead of intending to turn it away because I had back to back camps. I'm also glad I accepted LT's nags to crash her OG instead of turning it away as well. Honestly, when I saw the selfies that the S3 people had sent, I was thinking that this group gonna die after camp. However, I'm pretty sure it won't now. At least, not till the Tembu people treat me to meals ;)

What's wrong with them, though? Do I really look like a xiao mei mei >( 

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