Friday 26 December 2014

After Hiatus. On new domain

One main reason why I dislike blogging is because of the computer. I dislike staring at the computer screen.

Sadly (or not), I have finished my first year in VJC. Despite all the many complaints, I would still say I made good friends.

Well, my life ain't that much interesting and honestly speaking, I got inspired to blog because I saw bel's blog (always crediting) and I thought, why not?

So here I am.

Looking back to the previous posts and comparing to this recent one, I can gladly say I have matured in not just writing but also thoughts. (Another reason why I decided on blogging: Improve my essay writing skills)

My life is full of essays and work. Tons of work. It's as if I am going through Secondary Four all over with all these amount of work. Not that carefree as the first few months of Secondary Four but that heavily-loaded months right after the June Holidays.

Coursework. Math. Art. How do you even revise Literature? Should I change my topic for Art? 'R'-paper for GP. Coursework. Econmics...

That's my train of thoughts for the past few weeks. Well, thinking is easy but sitting down to do things is difficult. Treacherous, even. Even my computer is filled with downloaded files from (not that I have started reading it but the thought counts!...Right?)

Ah, yes. I was about to start on studying Art before I decided to write this post. (Honestly, how do people stand the fact that the 'i' does not autocorrect itself to the big 'I'.)

Of course, I started Mapling for a week. Unfortunately, the Mapling craze lasted only a week and a half. It is, however, one of the longest time I was addicted to Maple in about... four years, maybe.

I am still writing Fanfictions. It kind of boosts my creativity and allows all my crazed thoughts to be penned down. Somehow, my weak mind refuses to accept the fact that Katekyo, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and Alex Rider have ended. Alas! My fanfictions revolves around those few.

Hence, I am not free. As much as I look like I have ample time to spare (or waste), I am busy. My To-do lists are long (even though I would prefer cancelling them to adding more each time I see them).

To those who are wondering, I am still in St.John. I am a proud officer, to be exact. (yay!) Adding on to my list of CCAs is Taekwondo and Art club....