Monday 7 March 2016

The End of the Beginning


Those are my A-Level Results. Before you say I am trying to announce to world of my excellent grades, please stare at the "C". With that, i guess i can perfectly say that i have stained my results slip. I am disappointed with my results as I have expected nothing less than "A"s and "B"s, although the "C" was unpreventable. However, I have gotten "C" in a subject that I didn't think i would ever get. 

Here's the cold hard truth: no one cares about your results after you have entered University, and out into the working world. They'd probably care which subjects you have taken, the skills you have gotten, but honestly, I doubt anyone would scrutinise at your results as long as you have calibre. 

And so you have it! A-Level Results are still important to me, at this moment as I need to get into a university. 

To be honest, I started this blog post with this one thing in my mind: Nothing is impossible. I have gotten "fails" for the subject I have gotten an A for. Not to mention, this subject is probably my worst, where I am constantly asked to go for remedial and the like. It's a humanities subject, and you would think, how do you even fail a humanities subjects. But heck, I did fail it and have bottomed the cohort more than once. My usual grades for my essays were 9/25 and 11/25. The highest I have ever gotten was a mere 17/25, which was considered only a C+ in this subject. Approximately 1 month before A's, which is after Prelims, I went to my teacher and told him I was going to drop this subject from H2 to H1. I was pretty adamant on it even. I told myself that if I drop, I will be able to drop 3 books! 5 to 2- seems like a pretty good deal at that time. However, he asked me, "After wasting 2 years of your time to study this and now you want to give up?" Of course, he supported me if I were to drop. Yet, his one line seemed to slap me in my face.

Am I a person that will just give up like that?

Do I want to tell others that I gave up?

In the end, after talking to one of my good friends ("What the fak? Just do it!" - to not drop and just go through with the exam), I've decided to study for this subject and obviously, I didn't drop it. 

Hey, I guess I am a living miracle?(More of a joke, really) From bottom of the cohort to an A student. Honestly, it might just be the bell curve but still...

Even one of my B subjects. Honestly, till today, I could not understand what I did write on that day and what is in the textbook. I simply memorised the answers (and not that this is a good way) but I really did try and do my best to prepare for the exam. It was one of my worst subjects as well: there were a lot of remedial lessons and my teacher even asked me to drop the subject to H1 one month before A's.

I didn't. See my grades.

I can successfully say I have did it.


Serious topic aside, I have created a shop called "Turquoised" where you can assess from here. It will officially open on Monday, 14 March 2016.