Saturday 3 January 2015

Mandatory 2015 New Year Resolution Post

Sadly, the blog I had used have been infected by some sort of virus thingamajig. In any case,


to the first post of 2015.

I doubt I have any "New Year Resolutions" post that was posted last year. I doubt I even made any. Hence, this will be one of the very few times (first?) I will noting them down instead of just have them appearing in my brain (and disappearing afterwards).

Like what I have written in the previous post, 2014 is one hell of a year for me. I will need one hour to list out why it turned out worse than I have expected. Just a few things I have off my mind right now...

      • Entering VJC was one of the worst decisions I have ever made. Yes, I have made great friends, and to name a few: Quek, Quinn, Jamie (JQJQ); Clara, Jiayi, Belinda, Mel, Audrey, Johnny, Chee Ping,  Afiq, Claris, Gexiang... (Taek); Yen, Han Wen, Hwee Ann, Esther, Nat, Jen, Rick (or Jeff or Yuxian or whatever your name has transformed into now), Isabel, Shao Yu, Tianrun (Art)  However, I dislike how things work there. I dislike the fact that I am in Art Stream and is taking H2 Literature
      • Taking H2 Art. I am still wondering whether it is the better choice. I really dislike coursework- it devours my soul and pukes it out. I know it will all be worth it. I just can't stop thinking about how much work I need to do that is obviously not done yet.
      • Not mugging my brains off for Promos. I did study but when the results come out and I see that I failed GP. Heck, the feeling sucks. It isn't the first time I failed English but failing GP in the promos is just... I see the results for the other subjects and I really regret. Honestly, why did I even enter JC?
Those are the bigger regrets I had in 2014. Well, let them be in the past. Everything will work out somehow, ne?

Huge thanks to these following people for listening to my rants (even the smallest things) in 2014:
(JQJQ) Jamie
(JQJQ,Art) Quinn
(JQJQ) Quek
(Art) All of you. (It's a norm that I complain loudly in the Art room, isn't it?)
(Taek) Clara
(Taek) Belinda
(Taek) Mel
(Taek) Audrey
(Taek) Johnny
(ZHSS) Jiachun
Special Dedications! (I actually contemplated on this section. I am just too lazy but Bel told me to stop giving 'xcuses')

In no particular order and only just one sentence.

    • (ZH Clique, Taek) Siqing. I always complain to you and honestly, thanks for everything.
    • (ZH Clique) Christabel. We don't talk much anymore but we still click fine, remember to be my mooooodel. ;D
    • (ZH Clique) Yi Min. HI AHMAH, we don't talk much too but MUAHAHAHA, still lots of gossips.
    • (ZHSJ) Yen Hui. No need to say anything, you know me ;)
    • (ZHSJ) Guyan. Always studying -,- but when I ask for impromptu movie date!!
    • (ZHSJ) Kaiming. Yes, you are here but I don't why too and yes, your ZH pants costs $14 please return me my money soon and get well soon.
    • (ZHSJ) Yijun. Clever dude who taught me Math on our birthday outings.
    • (ZHSS) Dion. Always giving great inspirations and woaaaaa stuffs to ponder about.
    • (SJ) Yuxin. Snapchat buddy!
    • SJ dudes, especially people from camp (Spenser, Alicia, Zhanxiang, Aaron, Darren, Xiyang, Christal, Huiping and more). Fun nights with drunken people and talking crap.


The below is written for me. Not for you but you are welcomed to see.

    1. Study 3 hours every week. This is outside of School Hours and obviously, outside of Homework hours.Let's be pragmatic: Any more than that will never be able to fulfill and any less will just be not studying.
    2. 1 good-quality and finished artwork every week till coursework ends. I have to do more than this as part of Homework but we all know how lazy I am. I do not want to rush in September. No. No. 
    3. To finish Homework within one day of issue. This, hopefully, will solve all my procrastinations. 
    4. Less lazy. I don't even know how to describe my holidays and how lazy I have been the entire 2014. My fighting spirit from Sec3 is all gone. GONE.
If you are wondering why are my resolutions so studying-related, I am taking 'A'-levels this year and I have goals that I want to achieve.

All the best to everyone taking 'A's and to Poly kids as well! 


ps// Love you still, Brian. No special dedications because I say them to you everyday.